1.  Log in to Service Autopilot (SA)

2.  On the front page of SA, hover over your avatar (profile) on the very top right hand corner.  

Once you hover over the image, you will see an option to import/export. Click on that link.  

3.  Select Export for Quality Driven Software.

4.  Choose your dates.

5.  Click the "Export"

6.  Next, click the "download" link.

(Note - as of 10/9 - you may have to get this report from My Day)

7.  Log into Quality Driven Software.

8.  Go to "Survey" > "Send a Survey" > "Import CSV"

9.  Under the heading Select "CSV File", click "Choose File

10.  You might want to check the file first, and make sure that you don't want to make any changes.

11.  Find the saved CSV file from SA.

12.  If you get a red error message, you have to go back to the csv file and fix the errors.

One thing to note:  In order for all jobs to appear in your CSV, they will need to be closed out.  You can export off of the dispatch board, but you may have to change the headers to ours.  Using the QDS export from SA, the jobs do have to be complete and employee times entered.

11.  If you get a green message that your file was successfully uploaded, click "Save and Send".  You will not see any red fields when the upload is in the correct format.