1.  Log in to Maid Easy.

2.  Go to "Reports"Marketing" > "QDS

3.  Select date of survey you want to send.

4.  Click on the green traffic light.

5.  Print. 

6.  In your Print Preview Window, click "save".


7.  Choose your save destination and name your file.

8.  For your "Survey Type", choose Excel.

9.  Save.

10.  You may get a pop up screen prompting you to "Save as XLS". Click O.K.

11.  Edit the Excel sheet. You can delete rows, add names to the list, etc.

13.  Maid Easy only pulls in the team leads. If you have teams, add additional employee names by separating each name with a comma.

14.  Click on "File", then "Save As".

15.  For your "Survey Type", choose CSV comma delimited.

16.  Save.

17.  Choose "Yes" to any pop up that asks you to confirm your file type.

18.  Close your CSV file. Again, choose "Yes" to any pop up.

18.  Log into Quality Driven Software.

19.  Go to: "Surveys" > "Send a Survey> "Import CSV".

20.  Select the CSV file you saved from Maid Easy.

21.  Select Open.

22.  A green "Upload Complete" will let you know that you have successfully uploaded all of the contacts.

23.  If you receive any red "error" messages, the system will prompt you to fix any errors in your CSV file and start over. You will then have to re-upload the CSV file once all of the errors have been changed.

24.  From the drop down, select a "Survey Template".

24.  "Import and Send Surveys".