1.  Add a picture to the employee

a.  Take a picture of your employee.  Transfer the picture to your computer (or complete this whole process on your phone).

b.  Go to the Employee tab

c.  Click the pencil icon on the far right, under actions, to edit the employee record

d.  Upload the photo from the previously save location (desktop, downloads, photos, etc)  

e.  Use the cursor to move the picture around to the view you want.  You want the employee's face inside the circle.  You can zoom in and out by using the slider bar below the photo.

Should your picture upload sideways, please see this article on how to fix: Click here


2.  Add the Employee Merge Field to Your Survey(s)

a.  Surveys>Templates>View All
b.  Click the pencil icon on the far right hand side of the survey, under actions, you want to edit.
c.  Go to the "Email" tab in the Survey Template
d.  Find the [[Employees]] merge field towards the bottom of the left side of the screen.
e.  Copy and paste the [[Employees]] field and place it wherever you want it to show up in your survey/email body.  You probably want to add some wording, such as "Here are the technicians who performed your cleaning (mowing service, plumbing service, etc) on this service date:"
f.  If you don't have a picture for an employee, the person icon is inserted with the name.
h.  You are ready to send surveys with your employees names and pictures attached.
