This is where you create how the email that gets sent to your clients will look.  If you need any help, there is a round blue question mark that you can click on for further explanation.

1.  Email Subject: What you want the Email to be about.


2.  Reply To Email: Sometimes, clients will hold on to their survey email and 'reply' some time later. Or, they won't click on the score and simply hit "reply" on their email. Should this happen, this is where you would want to receive their response.


3.  Survey Question:  This is the single question that you want your customers to answer.


*Note: As you build your email, the preview on the right side will update!

4. Survey Salutation: Important! Do not add a comma here.


5.  Survey/Email Body:  You will build the email body using merge fields which are found in the section below the survey/email body in addition to writing whatever text you want as the body of your email.  To get the merge fields, all you have to do is copy the entire bracket and then paste it where you want it to go in the body of your email.  The merge fields look like this:

*If you use the salutation, put a comma (,) at the end of it. Use the preview on the right-hand side to make sure it looks like you want it to look.

Paragraph Text Sample: 

Once complete, your preview should look something like this:
