To customize your scale:

1.  Go to Surveys
2.  Templates
3.  New or Edit Existing

Step 1: Customize the Scale.

Once your customers click on a rating, they will be directed to a page where you can ask them to leave a review on a Yelp, Google, FB, etc or apologize for a not so great feedback result. The default provided by QDS simply says, "Thank you for your feedback."

Thankfully, we've made it easy to create custom post survey landing pages!  Here are your options:

1.  If you would like, you can create a customized landing page on your website that completely matches your brand and insert the url in the "Post Survey URL".  All post reviews will direct your customers to that page.

2.  Use our handy Example Templates!  Once you find the sample wording you like, you can simply edit it.  

Important!  Please note that on your passing scores, there will be a link for Google, FB, and Yelp.  Those links will be broken unless you already have your IDs to those pages properly set up in Settings.  Here is a help guide on how to set up your review links: CLICK HERE