If you find that the logo you are using is too large (see examples below) or it just looks too big in emails, we recommend uploading your image to this site to fix it: Free resizing tool. It's free and works great.
Or, you may go to https://www.websiteplanet.com/webtools/imagecompressor/ to compress both jpeg and png files.
If the image file size is too large and the system won't except it unless it's under 100KBs, you will need to decompress it in order for you to be able to upload it into the system. We recommend this free tool: Tiny Png
If all else fails, please send us your logo and we'll take care of it, 100% free of charge! [email protected].
Examples of Correct Logo Sizes: (Notice that the logo does not extend past the grey border)
Incorrect Examples of Incorrect Logo Sizes:
In the above example, you can't even see the entire logo within the grey lines - only portions appear.
In the above example, the log is still not within the grey lines/borders - the entire logo needs to fall between the box.
Important! As a final step, send yourself an email and or SMS to see how your logo looks to your customer. You'll want to make sure that the logo isn't overpowering the email which makes your customer either have to scroll left or right to see the entire email. If the logo is the correct size (all within the boxed lines), your customer will not have to scroll on their email at all.) Again - we can take care of all of this for you!