Overview:  (the entire process is explained step by step below).  First, you are going to connect Launch27 with Quality Driven Software by verifying your Launch credentials.  Then, once you are connected, you will go to the Surveys menu in QDS and import the bookings from Launch. The entire process is all done in QDS, start to finish.  

Note: ONLY system admins can connect/reconnect the Launch27 integration. It will be necessary to periodically reconnect Launch27 for security reasons. If you are not a system admin, please ask your system admin to make this change for you or reach our support (green button on your QDS dashboard) and provide your Launch27 credentials and we will get this taken care of for you.

Here are the detailed steps:

1.  Go to Settings (upper right hand drop down, next to account name)

2.  Select the Integrations tab.  

3.  Enter your Launch27 sub domain, not the entire URL.  You will find this information on your browser when you log into your Launch27 account.  For example, if your browser shows the following:

You will only enter bluemount.  Like this:

4.  Enter your Launch27 email and password.

5. Connect

6.  If done correctly, you will get a green "Connected!" notification.

To send your surveys:

1.  Go to Surveys (second menu item on left hand side of QDS)

2.  Send a Survey

3.  Import

4.  Choose your booking date.

5.  Select Load Bookings.

6.  There shouldn't be any red errors as Launch27 makes emails mandatory, and that is usually the only issue you'll encounter on this step.  If there is a red error, you might have to go to Launch27 to adjust whatever the issue is in the actual booking.

7.  Select your Survey Template.

8.  Import and Send Surveys