To sign up:

My Account →Add SMS.

A few things to note:

1. You will need to change your customer's preferred survey type. This can be done in their profile by going to Clients →Finding the client →Edit (pencil icon on far right) → Preferred Survey Type on the second column.

You can also do the above for multiple/all clients by using the bulk actions option, also in the Client menu. Choose "Set Preferred Survey Type".

2. On individual sending of surveys, on the blue "Survey Type" box, you can leave it as "email" and all your customers who have SMS as their survey type will be sent SMS surveys, even if the blue box reads "Email".

Batch sending through the import of csv will work the exact way as before in that anyone who has their preferred survey type set as email will receive email and those that have SMS will be sent texts.

3.  All clients with SMS as their preferred survey type will need to have a mobile number.

Hope this helps! Please let me know if you need clarification on anything.