Here's a video explanation:

Step 1.  In your QDS account, go to "My Account">"Integrations".  Generate Access Token for Service Autopilot.  (You MUST be the System Admin of your QDS Account to generate this token).

Step 2:  Write down your Account ID and copy your Access Token

Step 3:  Log into your Service Autopilot (SA) account.

Step 4:  Click on the gear symbol, then click on "Integrations"

Step 5:  Under Integrations, find the QDS integration.  

a.  Enter your Account ID, and "paste" your Access Token (from QDS) into the QDS Secret Key field.

b.  Days to show:  how many days do you want the client comments from QDS surveys to show in the job notes?  The max is 45 days.  You must check the bottom box "Job Notes" for the survey comments to be sent to SA job notes.

c.  Use automations to send surveys = That means that you will have to create an automation (steps shown below) to send your QDS surveys.


d.  Send default survey after every job created = This is the choice for people who do not have automations.  A word of warning:  any and every service completed will trigger your QDS default survey.

Step 6:  If you are using automations to send surveys, you need to build the automation.

a.  In SA, go to Marketing>Automations.  Click the "Add Automation" button.

b.  Automation Information:

c.  "Add a Sequence"

1)  Restrict Entry to:  Clients

2)  Allow Re-Entry:  I suggest entering 7 days.  (Meaning if there were more than 1 service provided in 7 days, only one survey would be triggered.  Honestly, you don't have to restrict re-entry in SA because you can limit in QDS.)  You definitely need to toggle the re-entry switch to green or they will only get one survey, ever.

3)  Select Trigger Type:  Job>Select "Job Was Completed"

4)  Select the services that you want to trigger a QDS survey.

5)  Save Sequence

6)  Slide the "Wait Period" under your sequence.  If you want to trigger the survey right after the job is completed, select "no delay".  If you want to send at 5pm, for example, go to advance settings and enter the exact time, days, etc.

7)  Slide "Survey" under "Wait Period".  (You will not see "Survey" as a choice, if you haven't set up the integration (Steps 1-5 above)

a.  Select the survey you want to send.  

b.  If you have multiple surveys, say one for each month, you will need to come in here at the 1st of the month, and switch out your survey.

c.  If you have a different survey for different services, then you need to build this entire sequence for each service.  For example, select Christmas Light services, then match up to Christmas Light QDS survey.

Here's a video with the step by step instructions: