Quality Driven is an Employee Performance & Customer Satisfaction reporting platform, not a social review platform.  That's why we teamed up with NiceJob.  We handle the client satisfaction survey & the data that comes back from the survey.  NiceJob does all of the email and text follow ups with the client trying to get them to leave a social review.

Once you've integrated the two platforms, you can choose to send all job information to NiceJob or you can pick and choose which jobs, based on client feedback, that you want to send to NiceJob.

What is the advantage of integrating the two softwares? 

1.  QDS will handle the initial survey.  NiceJob won't survey again; they will just do the follow up.

2.  You can automate the sending of client info to NiceJob.  That is if you choose the "Automatic Update on Send" option.

3.  If you choose the "Manual Bulk Update", you can pick and choose which clients you want to ask to leave you a social review.  Please see my cautionary note that is in bold & red, below.

"Automatic Update on Send"

This means you will send ALL job info to NiceJob:  Select "Automatic Update on Send" and that will be a automated process with no restrictions on who gets entered in the follow-up process. Once a client is entered into a campaign in NiceJob, they won't be re-entered for another 6 months.  (NiceJob is the one who tracks if the client has been in a campaign within the last 6 months)

As long as you don't get disconnected from NiceJob, this is a "set it and forget it" type of setup.  

Just know that all clients will be sent over to NiceJob, and some of those clients might not be happy.  Remember it is ALL and it is AUTOMATIC.

"Pick and Choose" Method - If you select the Manual bulk update option, you will have to remember to send the job/survey info over to NiceJob on a regular basis.  (You decide if that would be weekly, etc)

If you use the "Manual Bulk Update" option:

1.  You will go to the Survey tab and view the Survey List for whatever date range you want.

2.  If you just want to send over the job information for the clients who scored a "4 or 5", you could select 4 and 5 in the score filter and hit apply.  You will then only see those surveys in the list.  You can click the top checkbox to "select all".  Once all are selected, follow the bulk action shown in the picture below.

Know this:  Any time you pick and choose the clients you want to send to NiceJob to ask them to review you, that selection is known as "gating" and Google (and Facebook) take that very, very seriously.  If they were to find out you were gating, they could and probably would shut your Google reviews down.  Now, the chances of them finding that out are slim, however, proceed with caution.  You've been warned.

2.  On the left hand side of the survey IDs, you will see checkboxes.  we would want to select the boxes to highlight the surveys we want to enroll in NiceJob follow-up and then at the top of the survey list we want to select the "Bulk Actions" dropdown and hit "Send to NiceJob"

Note: when you enter a client in NiceJob you wont be able to do so again for a 6 month period of time to avoid a client entering in the follow-up campaign more than once every 6 months.

If you have a NiceJob account and what to integrate that with your QDS account, here's how to do that: